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transverse magnetic field中文是什么意思

用"transverse magnetic field"造句"transverse magnetic field"怎么读"transverse magnetic field" in a sentence


  • 横向磁场电磁波


  • A current is sent transversely through the liquid metal, in a direction at right angles to a transverse magnetic field .
  • Thermally assisted quantum tunneling in a uniaxial ferromagnetic particle in transverse magnetic field
  • I the chaos analysis of rectangular plate under distributed load in transverse magnetic field i
  • The application of contacts optimization for the longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields in vacuum arc extinguish chambers
  • The soft magnetic properties have become better in samples annealed at 400 c for 1 hour in a transverse magnetic field of 15 oe at vacuum atmosphere
  • In the paper , the fundamental equtions for vibration problem of circular plate in transverse magnetic field are derived and the vibration speciality of a circular plate fixedly supported at circumference is investigated
  • It is the main purpose of this paper to calculate the energy splitting of ground state and excited states induced by thermally assisted quantum tunneling . first , a brief introduction is given for the theoretical and experimental studies on the magnetic macroscopic quantum effects . then , spin tunneling in a uniaxial ferromagnetic particle in transverse magnetic field is converted to a pseudoparticle moving in effective double - well potential with the help of the effective potential description of quantum spin systems developed by ulyanov and zaslavskii . finally using the periodic instanton method we evaluate the transition amplitude , energy shift and prefactor of wkb exponential and the energy splitting of ground state and the tunneling rate for excited states induced by thermally assisted quantum tunneling are obtained
用"transverse magnetic field"造句  


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